The Governing Body of Highbury Quadrant is made up of Staff Governors, parent governors, local authority governors and community governors. Their role is to set the school’s strategic direction, ensure accountability and act as a critical friend to the school’s senior leaders.

All Governors are volunteers. Parent Governors are appointed via election by the parent community. The Headteacher is automatically a Governor and the LA will appoint their representative. Additional Governors may be Co-opted by the appointed Governing Body. This is done by means of a skills audit which may identify that the school could benefit from additional expertise or experience to achieve specific a aim.

Leaders and governors are dedicated to the pupils and school, and they care deeply about the community the school serves . – OFSTED June 2023

Governors at Highbury Quadrant School
Namerole/governor typeCommittee
Terry StacyChair of governorsResources Committee 
Rachel BostonVice Chair
Chair of Teaching and standards Committee
Teaching and standards Committee
Terri HigginsHeadteacherTeaching and standards Committee
Resources Committee
Kate  TolsonChair o Resources CommitteeResources Committee 
Santiago Bell -BradfodLocal Authority GovernorTeaching and standards Committee
Gabriel AntstisCo-opted GovernorResources Committee 
Dee CarterCo-opted GovernorTeaching and standards Committee
Jennie HaughtonStaff GovernorResources Committee 
John BoreikoCo-opted GovernorResources Committee 
Katy PottsCommunity GovernorTeaching and standards Committee